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Eugenie Shek - Timeline

Eugenie behind the posts

This platform showcases my journey from an artist to a professional designer, from a knowledge seeker to an educator, from an employee to an entrepreneur, and from traditional to digital media. It highlights my experiences in building a profitable online presence and developing a well-established platform. Technology advancements have opened doors for continuous learning and education.

Qualifications: Ms. Shek holds a Bachelor’s in Telecommunication from Michigan State University, USA, and a Master’s in Communication and New Media from City University of Hong Kong. She is an experienced entrepreneur and educator with expertise in graphics, video, multimedia design, digital technologies, eBusiness, eMarketing, strategic partnerships, and project management. She is equally dedicated to research, as demonstrated by publishing her highly respected textbook "Multimedia Storytelling" with Hong Kong Baptist University (Fung & Shek, 2023). Her research focuses on persuasive social behaviours, cultural norms, and the influence of opinion leaders leading to extremism.

Fung, MSK (ed.) & Shek, CYE 2023, Multimedia Storytelling. Module 3: Multimedia Production. Multimedia Storytelling Applied Learning Course Textbook, 1st edn, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

Eugenie Shek
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